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  • Writer's pictureLouisa Robertson

Representation in the News

Representation - the way in which the media represents people, places and events.

mnemonic DRCAGES:


Regional identity






How did the different newspapers represent 9/11?

Most commonly, the broadsheets treated the issue in a serious light, being respectful and only portraying that piece of news on the front page.

However, the tabloids used it as an opportunity to create panic-inducing news by using quotes such as "is this the end of the world?", which induces readers into thinking that 9/11 could be the beginning of a war.

Questions to consider when answering exam questions about representation:

What social groups are focused on?

What representation is being constructed? (use descriptive adjectives)

How does the media language construct this representation?

How are stereotypes or counter-stereotypes used?

Are the representations positive or negative?

Are there groups underrepresented or misrepresented?

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