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  • Writer's pictureLouisa Robertson


Updated: Nov 4, 2022

Digetic sound - originates inside the world of the scene to add realism.

Non-digetic sound - originates outside the world of the scene to add extra information or to deduct realism.

Contrapuntal sound - the non-digetic sound doesn't match the scene to highlight the atmosphere.

Parallel sound - the non-digetic sound matches the scene to help set the scene.

Asynchronous sound - sound that is not synced up to the visuals to highlight the atmosphere.

Sound motif - a sound that reoccurs in multiple scenes to foreshadow a presence.

Sound bridge - sound which continues across the cutting of two scenes to link them.

Dialogue - the words that the characters say.

Voice-over - narration over the top of a scene to add extra information.

Mode of address - the way a character talks to give insight into their personality.

Direct address - when a character talks directly to the audience to engage them or to create a sense of informality.

Score - the music and sound effects created for a specific scene or piece of media.

Soundtrack - the music added over a scene to set the scene.

Ambient sound - sound which naturally occurs in a location to add realism.

Silence - a lack of sound in gaps to draw attention and add tension to a scene.

Volume - how loud a sound is.

Quality - how clear a sound is.

Sound mnemonic MCDOVED:








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